
交通银行在资本市场中使用债务工具(DCM)进行发起,构建和分配并在其中发挥作用。 我们的目标是为客户提供差异化的资金替代方案,从而改善其债务状况“



这些通常是短期债券,且不被允许分期存在。 他们的回报通常与CDI(银行同业存款证)有关。

是用于筹集资金以资助农业企业交易(例如购买投入品)的工具。 他们的回报通常与CDI或价格指数挂钩。

是用于筹集资金以资助房地产市场交易的工具(例如租金或购买和销售)。 他们的回报通常与CDI或价格指数挂钩。




我们的金融服务包括证券结构和分销等。不断扩大我们的金融服务和产品范围是我们增长战略的首要任务。 2023 年,我们协调发行了 8 期证券,总额达 23.3 亿雷亚尔,其中债券 10.8 亿雷亚尔,CRA 7 亿雷亚尔,商业票据 4.5 亿雷亚尔,CRI 1 亿雷亚尔。

Issuances coordinated by BOCOM BBM


Coordinator of the 1st Issue of Incentive Debentures and the 4th Issue of CRA


Lead Coordinator of the 6th Debenture Issuance


Coordinator of the 2nd Debenture Issuance


Lead Coordinator of the 3rd Debenture Issuance


Lead Coordinator in the 2nd issuance of CRA

R$ 100,000,000

Lead Coordinator in the 3rd issuance of Debentures

R$ 780,000,000

Lead Coordinator in the 2nd issuance of CRA

R$ 150,000,000

Coordinator in the 2nd issuance of Debentures

R$ 300,000,000

Lead Coordinator in the 2nd issuance of CRI

R$ 100,000,000

Coordinator in the 171th issuance of CRA

R$ 300,000,000

Coordinator in the 3rd issuance of CRA

R$ 150,000,000

Lead Coordinator in the 1st issuance of Commercial Notes

R$ 450,000,000

Lead Coordinator in the 1th issuance of CRA

R$ 81,830,000

Lead Coordinator in the 2th issuance of CRA

R$ 60,000,000

Lead Coordinator in the 1th issuance of CRA

R$ 183,700,000

Lead Coordinator in the 2th issuance of CRA

R$ 100,000,000

Lead Coordinator in the 1th issuance of CRA

R$ 80,000,000

Lead Coordinator in the 14th issuance of Debentures

R$ 60,000,000

Lead Coordinator in the 17th issuance of Debentures

R$ 150,000,000

Lead Coordinator in the 8th issuance of Debentures

R$ 120,000,000

Lead Coordinator in the 3rd issuance of Debentures

R$ 110,000,000

Coordinator in the 5th issuance of CRI

R$ 360,000,000

Lead Coordinator in the 96th issuance of CRA

R$ 80,000,000

Lead Coordinator in the 1st issuance of Encouraged Debentures (Law 12.431)

R$ 100,000,000

Coordinator in the 1st issuance of Debentures

R$ 250,000,000

Lead Coordinator in the 1st issuance of Debentures

R$ 70,000,000

Lead Coordinator in the 122th issuance of CRA

R$ 130,000,000

Coordinator in the 48th issuance of CRA

R$ 100,000,000

Coordinator in the 4th issuance of Debentures

R$ 340,000,000

Coordinator in the 14th issuance of Debentures

R$ 750,000,000

Coordinator in the 34th issuance of CRA

R$ 480,000,000

Coordinator in the 6th issuance of Debentures

R$ 1,500,000,000

Lead Coordinator in the 50th issuance of CRA

R$ 40,000,000

Lead Coordinator in the 2nd issuance of Debentures

R$ 65,000,000

Lead Coordinator in the 2nd issuance of Debentures

R$ 120,000,000

Coordinator in the 1st issuance of Debentures

R$ 300,000,000

Lead Coordinator in the 2nd issuance of Promissory Notes

R$ 123,500,000

Coordinator in the 19th issuance of CRA

R$ 150,000,000

Lead Coordinator in the 2nd issuance of Debentures

R$ 61,000,000

Coordinator in the 1st issuance of Promissory Notes

R$ 489,000,000

Lead Coordinator in the issuance of Promissory Notes

R$ 110,000,000

Lead Coordinator in the issuance of CRA

R$ 84,000,000

Coordinator in the 1st issuance of Debentures

R$ 170,000,000

Lead Coordinator in the 2nd issuance of Debentures

R$ 100.000.000

Lead Coordinator in the 1st issuance of CRI

R$ 47,033,571

Lead Coordinator in the issuance of Debentures

R$ 85,000,000

Coordinator in the issuance of Debentures

R$ 600,000,000

Lead Coordinator in the issuance of Debentures

R$ 100,000,000

Lead Coordinator in the issuance of Debentures

R$ 200,000,000

Lead Coordinator in the 5nd issuance of Debentures

R$ 160,000,000

Coordinator in the 2st issuance of CRA

R$ 220,000,000

Lead Coordinator in the 2nd issuance of Debentures

R$ 170,000,000

Lead Coordinator in the 1st issuance of CRA

BRL 120,000,000

Lead Coordinator in the 4th issuance of Promissory Notes

BRL 100,000,000

Coordinator in the 6th issuance of Debentures

BRL 400,000,000

Coordinator in the 5th issuance of Debentures

BRL 250,000,000

Lead Coordinator in the 2nd issuance of Debentures

BRL 100,000,000

Lead Coordinator in the 3rd issuance of Debentures

BRL 200,000,000

Coordinator in the 2nd issuance of Debentures

BRL 250,000,000

Coordinator in the 1st issuance of Debentures

BRL 50,000,000

Coordinator in the 4th issuance of Debentures

BRL 130,000,000

Coordinator in the 1st issuance of Debentures


Lead Coordinator in the 6th issuance of Debentures

BRL 100,000,000

Lead Coordinator in the 1st issuance of Promissory Notes

BRL 62,000,000

Lead Coordinator in the 3rd issuance of Promissory Notes

BRL 100,000,000

Coordinator in the 2nd issuance of Promissory Notes

BRL 60,000,000

Lead Coordinator in the 1st issuance of Debentures

BRL 40,000,000

Coordinator in the 4th issuance of Debentures

BRL 88,932,000

Lead Coordinator in the 1st issuance of Debentures

BRL 35,000,000

Coordinator in the 6th issuance of Promissory Notes

BRL 150,000,000

Coordinator in the 2nd issuance of Promissory Notes

BRL 23,000,000

Lead Coordinator in the 3rd issuance of Debentures

BRL 20,000,000